Sunday, 21 July 2019

Pool Maintenance Tips for the First-Time Pool Owners

pool maintenance arlington tx
Building a beautiful summer oasis in the backyard of your home is a job half done. The next challenge is to ensure that it remains in top-notch condition throughout the year. This can only be done with a proper maintenance routine, which can be difficult for the first time owners.

Though pool maintenance services in Arlington, TX can be of help, you can easily do it on your own. Considering the importance of pool maintenance, we thought of complying a list of few pool maintenance tips that you might want to look at. Let’s dive in:

Skim and scrub

Skimming the leaves and debris off the water should be a part of your daily chores. If you can buy a robot vacuum, that would be perfect as it enables you to clean the bottom of the pool. Moreover, scrubbing the tiles of the pool once or twice a week can help prevent algae build-up and ensure its truly pristine shine.

Keep filter active and clean its basket

Think of your pool’s filter as your kidney. Just like your kidneys work 24/7 to get rid of impurities, your pool’s filter keep the pool clean by capturing dirt, debris, or any other impurity. Make sure you clean the filter basket once a week by removing the filter cap located on the pool deck.

Keep chemical levels in check

This is one of the important pool maintenance tips you can’t overlook. Water with unbalanced chemical levels not only looks murky but also irritates the eyes and skin. What’s more, it acts as the perfect environment for bacteria to grow. To avoid that, check your pool’s chemical level at least once a week and keep them in between the recommended range.

Bottom line
Owning a pool in the backyard can be a beautiful experience. However, it only remains the same as long as your pool is in its excellent condition all around the year. This is why it’s important to pay utmost attention to pool maintenance in Arlington, TX.

If you face difficulty maintaining your pool, make sure you take professional assistance from a renowned pool renovation company in Arlington, TX.

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